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Narrow-leaved apple

Updated: Jan 4, 2022

Narrow-leaved apple (Angophora paludosa) in flower

One of our most common trees found growing around the house and surrounds is the narrow-leaved apple (angophora paludosa).

It has had a huge flowering this year. The white blossoms covering a large part of the tops of the trees. The bush is showing off.

One nearby tree has a pendulous branch, almost touching the ground, giving us a glimpse of what is happening around the top.

Angophora paludosa flower

The scent of honey is almost overpowering. The sound of buzzing from the extraordinary numbers and variety of bees is clearly audible even from the tops of the trees.

This beautiful tree has a brownish trunk with fibrous bark and bursts of green pompoms at the end of each branch, the newest leaves almost glowing green with their vibrancy.

The tree grows to around 15m and has a wonderful shape providing a lot of shade. It would be an excellent street tree except for its habit of dropping limbs.

The narrow-leaved apple belongs to the angophora family, specifically angophora bakeri but there are subspecies bakeri and paludosa. The formerly known angophora bakeri paludosa or simply angophora paludosa is only known in a few specific locations between Coffs Harbour and Casino and is taller than its cousin angophora bakeri bakeri.

The flowering went on for weeks and different individuals reach their peak at different times, providing an ongoing source of food for the bees and other insects.

An old angophora paludosa

One of our favourite trees is a large angophora with hollows which usually don't form until they are over 100 years old. The old limbs cross over each other making wonderful shapes.


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