Australian Bush Life
About Australian Bush Life
Australian Bush Life is here to document and display some of the beauty of the natural Australian bush and its amazing plants and animals as a vehicle to educate and promote conservation and bush recovery.
It is also here to let you take time out and step into a bush world.
The flora and fauna documented on this site are from the beautiful Clarence valley on the north coast of NSW and particularly a property, Istari, north west of the regional centre of Grafton, and a part of the magnificent Clarence River valley, one of the largest rivers of east coast Australia.
The land, 'Istari', is on Bundjalung country. The Bundjalung people are the traditional custodians of this land.
Istari was largely cleared up to the late 1970s then begun its regeneration after the cattle were removed around that time. Over time the bush grew back developing a variety of habitats particularly wetlands, riparian zones along the creeks and open forests on the hill sides.
The driving force behind this web site is to record as many species as possible found on and around this property particularly from a regeneration perspective and to promote conservation.
We know there are many out there who share our enthusiasm for the bush but not everyone can live among it. We hope by sharing our experience we can build a better understanding of the Australian bush.
The site will grow and change over time to include more locations and the biodiversity within the Clarence Valley.
Look over the Galleries for regular visual updates showcasing the local flora and fauna.
Our Letter from Istari blog gives regular bush updates of life in the Australian bush. We'll introduce you to our local long term inhabitants, like our goanna, Jac, and our wallaby, Mos, and some of those who come and go like the Plumed Whistling Ducks. We'll delve into some of the unique flora and fauna.
Become a Friend of Istari and we'll send you regular updates and let you know when we have something new to show you.
If you would like to use any of our photos within this site please contact us first.
Brought to you by Terry and Ian - Istari residents along with a cast of other local characters.
Jingawal - g'day in Bundjalung
Acknowledgement to the traditional custodians
We would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land, the Bunjalung people. We would also like to pay respect to the Elders both past and present of the Bundjalung Nation. "The First Light Peoples"
Istari transformation 1979 - 2016

The 1979 photo aerial photo shows a very cleared property

The latest Google Earth image showing the re-vegetation once cattle were removed.